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문화번역의 이론적 의미와 전지구화 시대의 영상번역
Cultural Translation and Audiovisual Translation in the Era of Globalization 전지구화 시대의 번역은 언어와 언어 사이
영상번역 연구의 동향과 전망
Recent Trends in Audiovisual Translation Research in Korea The purpose of this study is to identify current trends and issues in the fi
전통 영상번역과 팬자막 비교 연구 : 문화 관련 어휘 번역을 중심으로
A Comparative Study of the Translation of Culture-bound Terms in Fansubs and Professional Subtitling This paper explores how culture-bo
번역학의 '기술적 전환'(Technological Turn) : AI시대의 영상번역
The Technological Turn in Translation Studies : The Impact of AI on Audiovisual Translation This paper examines the direction of audiov
TED 영상번역번역교육 활용에 관한 소고
A study on applying TED subtitles to undergraduate translation course Based on literature reviews regarding the role of translator as c
로만 야콥슨의 번역이론과 영상번역
Roman Jakobson's Translation Theory and AVT with focus on Korean Language Habits This paper aims to examine Korean language uses in aud
영상번역에 나타난 2인칭 대명사 번역양상 - 코퍼스 기반 연구
A Corpus-based Study on 2nd Person Pronoun Translation from English to Korean Shown in Subtitles. This paper studies how English 2nd pe
영한 영상번역 전략 연구
A Research on Movie Translation Strategies A Research on Movie Translation Strategies Jung, Inhee(Yongin Songdam College) The purpose o
Netflix와 Youtube 플랫폼 내의 영화 자막오역 분석을 통한 영상번역 실태와
The actual condition and improvement of audiovisual translation through analysis of subtitle in Netflix and YouTube: focusing on Korean
영상번역교육을 위한 코퍼스 설계
Screen Translation Corpus Design for AVT Training This paper explores requirements for multimodal corpus design under the premise that
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